Terms & Conditions

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  • Student should be Punctual and Regular to classes as per scheduled. In case the student is not attending the class, prior information should be given to Guru either through message or call.
  • Uniform is mandatory to every class, no reasons are allowed.
  • Hair must he pulled back in either a bun or braid and should be neatly groomed for class.
  • Parents should NOT be back of Guru to teach new songs for every program. (Or) Should not ask to make their kid stand front every time. 5- Payment of fees should be done Everymonth on time without fail, and should send screenshot if its online payment.
  • Signature of the Guru after every payment in ur fee card is important.
  • Academy is not responsible for ur valuable things.
  • Parent has to pay the fixed amount every month even though if the student has missed any classes in a month. No decreement of fees.
  • Any students want to learn songs separately of their own to perform in Personal functions, family outings, schools,other than Academy programs, they need to pay separate fee and learn the song..
  • All programs will not be free of cost… Some prgrms we need to pay the amount.
  • Parents can share their ideas and suggestions personally anytime required.
  • If a class is missed for any reasons, that class will be taken later in a month.
  • Makeup should be done along with everyone by our Academy Makeup Man only….No personal makeups allowed for Programs
  • Songs has to repeatedely performed for 5-6 prgrms…No new songs are taught for every program.